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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Top Sports Nutrition and Supplementation Consultant Speaks out about the Hydration Problem with Athletes

Shan Stratton Endorses Enagic's Kangen Water

Who is Shan Stratton?

Shan is the Sports Nutritional & Supplementation Consultant for the
Shan E. Stratton is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist and renowned speaker. Shan's knowledge , expertise and passion for health has enabled him to interact with product formulation teams, co-edit Health Products, and has commanded the respect of sports professionals in nearly every major league profession.

He has worked with countless famous athletes like Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and on and on. He states that drinking Kangen Water ™is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high quality supplements, enzymes, and probiotics to the athletic community for over 15 years.

Shan researched Enagic's Kangen Water trying it himself before endorsing the Kangen™ water ionizer. Shan met with Enagic's executive staff and scientists, and personally investigated the integrity of both the company and the products. The reason for this, is that he has tremendous integrity at stake with his involvement with so many high powered sports figures and coaches internationally.

Competitive, elite athletes, and sports trainers know that subtle changes in pH can have profound effects on overall health, feelings of wellness, levels of fatigue, pain, weight, training ability, and athletic performance. Muscles work best in a narrow range of pH. At rest, muscle pH is about 6.9 , while arterial blood is about 7.4.

When we exercise anaerobically, we burn stored carbohydrates in the muscle (glycogen) for energy , which produces lactic acid, pyruvic acid and CO2, which in turn decreases muscle pH. The harder you exercise, the quicker your muscles become acidic, which leads to fatigue. Accumulation of acid also limits production of ATP, the energy molecule, and disrupts enzyme activity that produces energy. When muscles pH falls below 6.5, it stops working although. Acidity also reduces muscle power directly by inhibiting the contractile action of muscle fibers.The pH of your body determines much of what goes on inside the cell and in the extra cellular fluid known as the lymphatic system. So delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) has a lot to do with the shift in pH levels in and outside the cell. Of course, when lactic acid builds up so much that the pH of the cell shifts, the electrical transmissions slow down and you do not get the same kind of connection. Many athletes experience this as "hitting the wall" or as a drop of peak performance.

There is so much misinformation about how sports drinks work and their effect on the body . I'm not going to name any particular drinks, but you all know what they are. They come in nice brightly colored bottles and they have all sorts of electrolyte enhancers and they taste good and supposedly give you energy. They are endorsed by well known athletes who have received a nice financial reward and who are probably ignorant of the nutritional facts themselves. Unfortunately, they are creating an illusion that these drinks enhance performance when in reality they may not and should not drink them.

When you consume these drinks they enter the bloodstream, your body says "Uh oh, we need to stabilize the pH of the blood" What happens is that it pulls minerals out of the bone and connective tissue neutralizing the acid and dumps it into our fat tissue. The result over time is a fallout of minerals making the athlete more prone to injury Shan is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist, and a renowned motivational speaker.

Shan is committed to the mission of changing the "sick care" of America and the world over to a true Health & Wellness Care system. He is passionate about being an International speaker helping educate the world about the tremendous health benefits of drinking alkalized, antioxidant-charged, super-hydrating Kangen™ Water from the only company that has the seal of approval from the Japanese medical community.

For more information on Kangen™ water go to

PostHeaderIcon Here's the Beef! Choose Your Meat Wisely

Dear Ryan,

I was in the organic store the other day and they were trumpeting how much better farm-raised organic stuff is compared to the meat we always get from the grocery store. It's slightly more expensive, why should I care?

A: You should care very much, but probably for slightly different reasons.

Ground beef in the grocery store inevitably comes from what we call feed lot farms. Click here to read a LA Times article about these feedlot farms." These places are basically factories, and they bear as much resemblance to the old country farms of our childhood as a cheap Casio keyboard does to a handmade Steinway grand piano.

Cows on these "farms" are production machines for meat and milk. They're fed grain, which isn't their natural diet, and which causes great acidity in their systems. This produces "meat product" that's very high in inflammatory omega-6's and woefully lacking in omega-3's. Here is a great place to get more information about better beef. Click here

They're kept in confined pens and fed antibiotics to prevent the sickness that inevitably arises from the close quarters. They're fed steroids and "bovine growth hormone" to help fatten them up. Then they're "processed." Whether the end product — the meat that winds up on your plate — has the DNA of 1,000 cows in it or not, it's not something you should be eating.

Grass-fed meat is a whole different ballgame. Cows were meant to graze on pasture —their natural diet is grass, and when they roam on pasture and graze on grass their meat is higher in omega-3's and CLA (conjugated linolenic acid), an important fat that has anti-cancer activity and may also help reduce abdominal fat. Since the cattle aren't in confined quarters and they're not eating primarily grains, they don't get sick as much and aren't fed massive quantities of antibiotics.

Now, "organic" meat is somewhere in between the two extremes. It usually means the cows were fed organic grain, which is only a minor improvement since cows shouldn't be eating a diet of grain in the first place. While the perception is that organically raised meat is better than non-organic meat, it's still not nearly as good as grass-fed (pasture raised). Sometimes grass-fed meat is also organic, but some very conscientious farmers who raise real, healthy, pasture-grazing cows don't meet some obscure government standard for organic so they're not able to say their meat is "organic."

I wouldn't worry about it. Given a choice, I'd go with grass-fed over organic every time, though in the best of all worlds, you'd get both. For what it's worth, every study you've ever seen that talks about the bad health consequences of meat eating is looking at people who eat highly processed meat from factory farms. It would be very interesting to see if there are the same negative consequences to eating a diet of grass-fed (organic) beef with plenty of vegetables to balance it out.

No study like that has ever been done, but my hunch is that if people ate that way, the so-called "negative" health effects ascribed to eating meat would disappear.

Fear of fat is making us sick - and fat! Think back to our grandparents' day. Children did not have masses of allergies and learning problems or get fat when they were eating eggs and butter for breakfast instead of dry processed breakfast cereals, processed fruit juices and toast with margarine and jam! They also ate plenty of grass fed meat - chops with the fat on them and roasts with all the fat in the gravy. Nor did they eat foods cooked in unstable polyunsaturated vegetable oils and trans-fats.

We are becoming malnourished by over-eating the wrong foods. Generation after generation, we are depleting ourselves and reducing our ability to reproduce. Our reliance on synthetic substitutes is dangerous: foods labeled ‘health foods' - soy infant formula, highly processed breakfast cereals and health food bars for example are often nutrient-poor foods, high in sugar, additives, fillers, artificial sweeteners and trans-fats.  

A huge amount of the food in our supermarkets is based on sugar, refined carbohydrates, refined vegetable oils, soy additives and trans fats - all produced for shelf life and profit. Next time you are in a supermarket, look at the relative shelf space of butter and margarines! When was the last time you saw a TV ad telling you how good butter is?

Modern science is confirming that butter from grass fed cows is one of the healthiest whole foods you can include in your diet. Despite unjustified warnings about saturated fat from well-meaning, but misinformed nutrition and health "experts", the list of butter's benefits is impressive indeed.

It is a rich source of easily-absorbed vitamin A - needed for a wide range of functions in the body from maintaining good vision to keeping the endocrine system in top shape. Butter also contains all the other fat-soluble vitamins (E, K, and D). It is rich in trace minerals and also contains butyric acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) both of which are known to help protect against cancer. Only grass-fed cows produce good levels of CLA in their milk and tallow (meat fat) so avoid "grain fed"!

Butter from grass fed cows also has small, but equal, amounts of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, the so-called essential fatty acids. Margarine on the other hand is an imitation food full of synthetic additives and colors and made from highly processed omega 6 rich vegetable oils which distort the omega 3/omega 6 balance and generate many health problems!

So enjoy your butter! We can be happier and healthier and maintain normal weight by eating the nutrient-rich foods we have avoided for so long!

Nutritional Advantages

Why meats and eggs raised on grass are nutritionally superior to those raised in modern confinement operations:
  • Higher in antioxidants like Vitamin E, A, and C
  • Free of hormones, antibiotics, steroids or other artificial substances
  • Lower in fat overall, while nutritionally superior fats occur naturally
  • Grassfed meats have 2 to 4 times more Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart, brain and nervous system function, and may reduce the risk of heart diseaseor cancer.
  • Pastured eggs have 10 times more Omega-3 fatty acids, more folic acid, B-12 and lutein.
  • Richest known source of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), a potent defense against cancer- 3 to 5 times more than conventional meats. CLA also promotes muscle-building over fat-building in humans
  • Significantly less disease-causing bacteria
  • Free of GMO (genetically modified organisms) feed
  • Free of synthetic vitamins which are poorly absorbed
  • Individual grass farmers have a higher standard.  Animals raised on grass are free of diseases which pass the mass-market inspection
  • Free of formaldehyde rinses, injected salt solutionspreservatives and irradiation 

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Sugar? Is it really as sweet as we think

Sucrose, commonly called sugar, is everywhere in our diet—from sugar-cured ham to salad dressing to bread to flavored waters. Sugar comes in many forms—high fructose corn syrup, cane syrup; and even when we think we don’t see sugar in the label, it’s hidden behind those hard to pronounce fancy names like monosaccharide, disaccharide or trisaccharide. Sugar in this country is a way of life.

It owns us. And we give into it everyday.
Though it tastes great and adds good flavor to everything from soda to spaghetti sauce, the downside risk is that it is tantamount to eating glue. Can you imagine waking up in the morning, pouring out a big bowl of Elmer’s White, licking your lips and scooping it up as if it you’re eating your favorite daily cereal? The nutritional value is nil and, contrary to what we think or believe, it puts you on a speedy road to early disease…maybe even death.

Blood is the first to be affected by the build-up of ‘glue.’ We depend, we demand, that our blood carries nutrients all the time, everyday to all the organs and cells in the body. It’s blood that gets the oxygen to where it needs to go. It’s blood that we rely upon to keep us alive, breathing and free of illness. Clear flowing blood is critical to the nourishment of all the cells of our body right down to the interstitial level.

Interstitial. When I first heard that term, it tied my tongue up so bad that I was embarrassed trying to say it. But it is this interstitial tissue that is home to our cells. It’s the ‘clothes’ for the cells that keep the ‘bugs’ from infesting them, bringing them down and putting us in bed with heaven-only-knows what. It’s the conduit necessary for a healthy immune system. All that is good and all that is bad gets to the cells by way of this tissue. The system gets upended when we eat sugar, because sugar turns to acid in the body. It’s this acid that becomes glue-like and interrupts the healthy flow of blood. End result, the cardiovascular system plugs up. The glue is slowing everything down. The blood that we need to be like a clear river becomes stagnant and polluted. It protests. Heart attacks happen, strokes occur; diabetes gets a foothold and a myriad of diseases have a flowerbed where they can take root.

Fortunately, Eastern medicine has introduced us to hexagonal water. No, I didn’t say, “Fortunately, we have DRUGS”? This water, unlike drugs, goes deeper and strengthens the immune system rather than camouflage and buries the symptoms. It deals with what needs to be right by our body rather than making the symptoms go away only to recur in a different form. Hexagonal water uniquely goes deep and penetrates down to the interstitial level. It bathes the cells with powerful alkaline water that cleans up the terrain surrounding the cells. It keeps them fed and protects from acid causing disease that threatens our ability to function, work and take care of our daily responsibilities and otherwise enjoy life. Result, acid diminishes or goes away and no more glue! Add to that exercise and optimum diet and you have the winning formula for a lifetime of excellent health.


PostHeaderIcon You Can Lose Your Fat… And Never Find It Again!

Have you ever thought about what ‘fat’ actually is?

Until Kangen water came along I was probably like you. I thought it was simply the result of overeating. Then I learned about the acid-alkaline balance from Dr. Dave, Tony Robbins and some other experts along the way. It was on a Tony Robbins recording that he explained in a very understandable and simple way that the fat that we all have on our bodies to one degree or another is developed by the body to protect the organs from acid waste build up.

When the body’s acid alkaline ratio gets out of balance and there is an abundance of acid that could potentially attack the liver, heart, lungs and other organs, the body calls its defenses into play and tells itself to bring in more fat. Now here’s where the fat issue is tied to the weight gain. The more acid we take in whether it be soda, animal protein, alcohol or sweets, the more our body reacts by manufacturing of fat. So the deeper meaning of what we eat is how it converts to greater acid in our system.

When looking at obesity in America today where the number of obese Americans has increased from 14.5% to 32.2% in the last 25 years , we are essentially looking at a huge change in the acid-alkaline balance of individuals. Sadly, the CDC tells us that 2 out 3 adults are overweight and tragically 19% of our children are as well. While it would be practical to think that all we need to do is cut back on the quantity, the best solution is to focus on the kind of food we eat and feed to our children. If a more alkaline diet is put on the table, the quantity of what is eaten can be limitless. When a lifestyle is complemented with Kangen water, the acid-alkaline balance becomes easier to achieve and soon people can begin to see their weight begin to fall into a more normal range.