Eat Like A Pro at Eat To Grow
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Sugar? Is it really as sweet as we think

Sucrose, commonly called sugar, is everywhere in our diet—from sugar-cured ham to salad dressing to bread to flavored waters. Sugar comes in many forms—high fructose corn syrup, cane syrup; and even when we think we don’t see sugar in the label, it’s hidden behind those hard to pronounce fancy names like monosaccharide, disaccharide or trisaccharide. Sugar in this country is a way of life.

It owns us. And we give into it everyday.
Though it tastes great and adds good flavor to everything from soda to spaghetti sauce, the downside risk is that it is tantamount to eating glue. Can you imagine waking up in the morning, pouring out a big bowl of Elmer’s White, licking your lips and scooping it up as if it you’re eating your favorite daily cereal? The nutritional value is nil and, contrary to what we think or believe, it puts you on a speedy road to early disease…maybe even death.

Blood is the first to be affected by the build-up of ‘glue.’ We depend, we demand, that our blood carries nutrients all the time, everyday to all the organs and cells in the body. It’s blood that gets the oxygen to where it needs to go. It’s blood that we rely upon to keep us alive, breathing and free of illness. Clear flowing blood is critical to the nourishment of all the cells of our body right down to the interstitial level.

Interstitial. When I first heard that term, it tied my tongue up so bad that I was embarrassed trying to say it. But it is this interstitial tissue that is home to our cells. It’s the ‘clothes’ for the cells that keep the ‘bugs’ from infesting them, bringing them down and putting us in bed with heaven-only-knows what. It’s the conduit necessary for a healthy immune system. All that is good and all that is bad gets to the cells by way of this tissue. The system gets upended when we eat sugar, because sugar turns to acid in the body. It’s this acid that becomes glue-like and interrupts the healthy flow of blood. End result, the cardiovascular system plugs up. The glue is slowing everything down. The blood that we need to be like a clear river becomes stagnant and polluted. It protests. Heart attacks happen, strokes occur; diabetes gets a foothold and a myriad of diseases have a flowerbed where they can take root.

Fortunately, Eastern medicine has introduced us to hexagonal water. No, I didn’t say, “Fortunately, we have DRUGS”? This water, unlike drugs, goes deeper and strengthens the immune system rather than camouflage and buries the symptoms. It deals with what needs to be right by our body rather than making the symptoms go away only to recur in a different form. Hexagonal water uniquely goes deep and penetrates down to the interstitial level. It bathes the cells with powerful alkaline water that cleans up the terrain surrounding the cells. It keeps them fed and protects from acid causing disease that threatens our ability to function, work and take care of our daily responsibilities and otherwise enjoy life. Result, acid diminishes or goes away and no more glue! Add to that exercise and optimum diet and you have the winning formula for a lifetime of excellent health.



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