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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Top Sports Nutrition and Supplementation Consultant Speaks out about the Hydration Problem with Athletes

Shan Stratton Endorses Enagic's Kangen Water

Who is Shan Stratton?

Shan is the Sports Nutritional & Supplementation Consultant for the
Shan E. Stratton is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist and renowned speaker. Shan's knowledge , expertise and passion for health has enabled him to interact with product formulation teams, co-edit Health Products, and has commanded the respect of sports professionals in nearly every major league profession.

He has worked with countless famous athletes like Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and on and on. He states that drinking Kangen Water ™is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high quality supplements, enzymes, and probiotics to the athletic community for over 15 years.

Shan researched Enagic's Kangen Water trying it himself before endorsing the Kangen™ water ionizer. Shan met with Enagic's executive staff and scientists, and personally investigated the integrity of both the company and the products. The reason for this, is that he has tremendous integrity at stake with his involvement with so many high powered sports figures and coaches internationally.

Competitive, elite athletes, and sports trainers know that subtle changes in pH can have profound effects on overall health, feelings of wellness, levels of fatigue, pain, weight, training ability, and athletic performance. Muscles work best in a narrow range of pH. At rest, muscle pH is about 6.9 , while arterial blood is about 7.4.

When we exercise anaerobically, we burn stored carbohydrates in the muscle (glycogen) for energy , which produces lactic acid, pyruvic acid and CO2, which in turn decreases muscle pH. The harder you exercise, the quicker your muscles become acidic, which leads to fatigue. Accumulation of acid also limits production of ATP, the energy molecule, and disrupts enzyme activity that produces energy. When muscles pH falls below 6.5, it stops working although. Acidity also reduces muscle power directly by inhibiting the contractile action of muscle fibers.The pH of your body determines much of what goes on inside the cell and in the extra cellular fluid known as the lymphatic system. So delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) has a lot to do with the shift in pH levels in and outside the cell. Of course, when lactic acid builds up so much that the pH of the cell shifts, the electrical transmissions slow down and you do not get the same kind of connection. Many athletes experience this as "hitting the wall" or as a drop of peak performance.

There is so much misinformation about how sports drinks work and their effect on the body . I'm not going to name any particular drinks, but you all know what they are. They come in nice brightly colored bottles and they have all sorts of electrolyte enhancers and they taste good and supposedly give you energy. They are endorsed by well known athletes who have received a nice financial reward and who are probably ignorant of the nutritional facts themselves. Unfortunately, they are creating an illusion that these drinks enhance performance when in reality they may not and should not drink them.

When you consume these drinks they enter the bloodstream, your body says "Uh oh, we need to stabilize the pH of the blood" What happens is that it pulls minerals out of the bone and connective tissue neutralizing the acid and dumps it into our fat tissue. The result over time is a fallout of minerals making the athlete more prone to injury Shan is known internationally for his training sessions and corporate speaking events as a nutritionist, a sports supplementation specialist, and a renowned motivational speaker.

Shan is committed to the mission of changing the "sick care" of America and the world over to a true Health & Wellness Care system. He is passionate about being an International speaker helping educate the world about the tremendous health benefits of drinking alkalized, antioxidant-charged, super-hydrating Kangen™ Water from the only company that has the seal of approval from the Japanese medical community.

For more information on Kangen™ water go to


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