Eat Like A Pro at Eat To Grow
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

PostHeaderIcon What is in the water

You want to know why I cant remember the last time I was sick, "Strong Immune System" , stop worrying and obssessing over the cleanliness of everything and start eating better foods, and using less chemicals that weaken and reak havoc on our immune system that leaves us vulnerable to illness, and disease.

Toney "X-Man" Freeman IFBB Pro Bodybuilder will attest to the benefits of Kangen Water™, and believes he could not be as lean and hydrated using any other waters. Toney recently discovered this amazing Japanese device manufactured by the company Enagic that hooks to your faucet , to Reclaim our Polluted, Lifeless, Dead Tap water and oversold Bottled Water by Transforming Tap Water into Negatively Charged (-) Ionic Living Water, in return, Helping the Environment, the Health of Individuals, and families.
Kangen water™ is very simply the medically grade alkaline water that is produced from one of Enagic's line of ionizers. In a broad sense, Kangen water™ has three amazing properties. High levels of Alkalinity, helping to balance the bodies internal pH. High levels of Antioxidants, and Microclustered molecules which allow 6 times the absorption of regular water.

Your bodies # 1 cry is to be hydrated. Hydration is absolutely essential to help maintain optimal health. There have been many books written on this subject alone. Our bodies are composed of 75% water that needs to be continually replaced in order to flush out toxins and to properly hydrate our 75 Trillion cells. Hydrating your cells and flushing out toxins and acid with Kangen water™ is the #1 thing you can do to keep you on the road to health. Have you ever wondered why some people age slowly as others age more quickly? It is hard to dispute that our genes play a large role in this; however there is a great deal we can do to increase our quality of life. For starters, by simply choosing differently what we put in our mouths, can significantly counter the aging process. Yes, you heard me correctly. We can dramatically slow the aging process as well as live healthier lives by simply eliminating toxins, acids, and certain bad foods and incorporating life giving foods and life giving water.

We are what we drink!

When we alkalize our bodies with Kangen Water™ (assuming we positively change our diet and quality of life ), there is no acidity, no poisons or toxins resulting in the accumulation of toxemia. When oxygen is abundantly supplied, when acids are constantly being eliminated and our cells are in their pristine pH balanced state, then we can say that we have dramatically improved our quality of life and have dramatically slowed the aging process.So, our immediate goal should be to improve our quality of life by eliminating toxins, stress, lack of exercise, engineered food, sodas, cigarettes, chlorine, pollution, plastics, pesticides, insecticides and many other things.

Incorporating a healthy diet along with the right kind of water can do wonders for all of us.Why has the advancement of cancer and other diseases skyrocketed today even with billions being poured into research and a record amount of people consuming drugs and pharmaceuticals?

Think about this as you read the list of common acidic disorders listed below.....

Accelerated, Aging,Acne,Agitation,Alzheimer's Disease,Anxiety Disorders,Asthma, Benign Tumors ,Bleeding Gums,Body Oder,Candida,Carpal Tunnel,Chronic Fatigue ,Constipation, Eczema, Eye twitches, Fibromyalgia , Fluid Retention, Gastritis, Growths, Headaches, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Impotence, Insomnia, Kidney Stones, Low Energy, Menstrual Cramps, Multiple Sclerosis, Nasal Congestion, Nerve Disorders, Osteoporosis, Parkinson's Disease, Plaque On Teeth, Sarcoidosis, Skin Tags, Stiffness, Teeth Grinding, Tightness, Tuberculosis, Varicose Veins ,
Acid Indigestion, ADD/ADHD, Alcoholic, Tremors, Aneurysm, Arterial Plaque, Back Pain, Birth Defects, Blood Clots, Bone Loss, Cardiomyopathy, Cerebral Palsy, Cold Sores, Cysts, Endometriosis, Fear, Fingernails ( brittle)Bone Fractures, Gout, Hair Disorders, Heart Palpitations, High Cholesterol, Hypoglycemia, Infections, Irregular Heartbeats, Loss of Appetite, Lupus, Mitral Valve, Prolepses, Muscle Cramps, Natural Antacid, Nervousness, Overweight, Plaque on Arteries, PMS, Scleroderma, Sluggish Gall Bladder, Stuttering, Tension, Tinnitus, Tumors, Warts

Acid Reflux, Age Spots, Allergies, Anger, Arthritis, BPH, Blackheads, Bone Disorder, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, High Cholesterol, Colds, Diabetes, Estrogen Dominance, Fibroid Tumors, Flu, Gallstones, Grey Hair, Hair Loss, Herpes, Outbreak, Hyperactivity, Low Blood Sugar, Infertility, Jerkiness, Loss of Smell, Malignant Tumors, Moles, Muscular Disorders, OCD, Panic Attacks, Poor Circulation, Seizure Disorders, Spasms, Teeth and Gum Disorders, Tics& Twitches, Wrinkled Skin