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Sunday, July 19, 2009

PostHeaderIcon What are the Benefits of Ionized water "Kangen Water™"

Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water: Kangen Water™  

The testimonials are beyond fantastic: significant weight loss, allergy relief, arthritis relief, improved bowel regularity, increased energy, advanced hydration of cells and skin, improved digestion, reduced cholesterol, and overall better health. Ionized alkaline water is full of anti-oxidants. This water provides better oxygenation directly to the blood stream and allows optimum cleansing and detoxification.

Detoxification: Flushes acidic waste products from the body. Gently cleanses at a deep cellular level.Hydration: Three to five times as effective as regular water with bioavailable electrolites.Absorption: Allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently.Anti-oxidant: Electron charged water helps control free radical activity.Improved Taste and Purity: Your body will crave more water.

You and your family will enjoy drinking more water.Increased Energy: Feel the difference usually within a few days.Improved Digestion: As you digest and assimilate your food better, health improves, energy levels increase, weight sheds away and life becomes more enjoyable.

Ongoing health does not occur by chance. It's something you have to build upon and work at maintaining. Most people are poorly educated in the process of maintaining health and promoting natural weight loss. We are socialized and brainwashed through a lifetime of expensive media and misinformation. Most of us respond to our desires for instant satisfaction and taste sensations, often oblivious to the physical outcome.

Indulgence in sweets, fatty foods, alcohol, sodas, cigarettes and a host of other highly refined, highly acid producing substances will tear down your natural defences and deplete your nutritional and base reserves. In order to help your body to maintain an optimum balance of health and energy it needs to be fed the right ingredients.

With alkaline water, rich in OH- Hydroxyl molecules (including beneficial negative ions), and active oxygen, finally there is something that you can do to make a significantly positive difference in your health. It's easy, painless, it tastes good and your body can not live without it. In fact your body is dying to be properly rehydrated with this water.

What is Kangen Water™?

Kangen water™ is simply medically grade alkaline water that is produced from one of Enagic's line of ionizers.  In a broad sense, Kangen water™ has three amazing properties.
  These properties are:

#1.   Anti-Oxidation

iron nails

All living and non-living matter battle with oxidation.  As an example, aging, decay and rusty nails are an example of oxidation at work.
To get an idea of what oxidation and anti-oxidation looks like, take a look at the image above. This is an image of two glass containers, one filled to the brim with Kangen Water™ and the other of neutral Tap water. Also, included are a few iron construction nails in each container.
You will notice that the glass container to the right is clouded with rust from the nails. This is oxidation at work and the results would be the same regardless of what type of water (bottled or otherwise) was in the container.
The image to the left is filled with 9.5 pH Kangen water™ Both containers were filled back in June of 2008 and the nails in The Kangen water are still preserved even to this day. As a result of the oxidating properties of water, the nails in the tap water will continue to deteriate.  If Kangen Water™ water can preserve nails, imagine what it can do for your body.

same ageWhile we are on the topic of aging, check out the image to the right. This is a picture of the CEO of Enagic™ Mr. Hironari Oshiro along with his American Business Advisor. Although, the two men look years apart, typically the mid 40's for Mr. Oshiro and late 60's for his American Business Advisor, they are in fact the same age. They will both be 67 years old in 2008.

We believe that the reason Mr. Oshiro looks so well is because he has been drinking Kangen water™ for the better part of 17 years.  In light of the fact that this water is an anti-oxident, it can be viewed that this water might possibly be the fountain of youth.
orp mtr
Oxidation can be measured and in the case of liquids, an ORP is used.  ORP stands for Oxidation Reduction Potential.  A positive +ORP value is bad for you and helps accelerate entropy and the aging process while a -ORP value is very good for you and can actually slow down the aging process.  Please remember that (-) Negative in these cases are good for you.

Kangen Water: 10x's the Detoxifying Power of Orange Juice.

Below is a visual chart of ORP (Notice the following bottled waters and beverages with a positive + ORP value). Even the bottled water which we have been lead to believe is good for us is actually not for a number of reasons.

orp pic

Kangen water™ is typically between -400 to -600. I have seen it personally ashigh as -800 ORP. The higher the -ORP, the better it is in combating oxidation and free radicals which is believed to affect our health and well being.
Bottled water has been measured as high as +600 ORP in our personal demonstrations. Notice Kangen Water™ is on the opposite side of the chart even surpassing green tea and orange juice.
if you haven't all ready done so, stop drinking sodas. Not only are they extremely oxidizing but also highly acidic which is a big contributing factor in sickness and weight gain.

#2.  Micro-Clustering

Micro clustering is another great quality of Kangen Water™. When water is run over the solid platinum coated titanium plates, the water is broken down in size from a cluster of 15-20 molecules to around 5-6 molecules resulting in the body being hydrated up to 6 times as much as regular water. Because of its smaller clustered size, this water will penetrate and hydrate areas of the body like never before. Imagine a water that fully hydrates, oxygenates and detoxifies your body all at once.

Keep in mind also that ionized alkaline water loses a H+ molecule on average resulting in an even smaller more penetrating cluster of water. (View the picture below).

#3.  Alkalinization

The third major characteristic of this water is Alkalinization. When we were born, our bodies were alkaline by design; however, when we aged our bodies became more acidic for a number of reasons. Our bodies' pH level should be 7.35 for optimal health, which is slightly alkaline.


Acidity is the grim reaper when it comes to our demise and the lack of  good choices plays a significant role in this process.  Thus, the accumulation of acids and toxins in the blood and cells are the major cause of disease in our society.  Leading researchers have found that there is no leading cause of death instead they point to an over accumulation of an acidic environment within our bodies.

Acidity . . . The Father of Disease!

Alkalinization helps fight our bodies overabundance of acidic waste and flushes it out of our systems thus leading to a more healthy immune system whereby keeping us healthy and hydrated.

On a side note, most bottled water has been tested and been found to be slightly acidic to highly acidic.  I have personally tested well known bottled water that has shown to be 5.0 pH.  Remember that this is 100 times as acidic as neutral ph 7.0. Kangen water™ has pH levels of 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5.  pH 9.5 is 500 times as alkaline as neutral 7.0.

So, as you can see, Kangen water™ has three amazing characteristics that can help you restore and maintain optimal pH balance.


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