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Sunday, July 19, 2009

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Healing wells
Since his appearance in Nairobi, Maitreya has re-enacted this event by suddenly showing up in the midst of large audiences, usually groups of fundamentalists. In advance, Maitreya often energizes water sources in the vicinity of the spots in which he is about to appear. So far, healing waters have been discovered in Mexico, Germany, China and India.
'Magical' water in Mexico
Healing water in Germany
Well near Delhi
Healing water in China
Healing water in Australia
Remedies availability

1. 'Miraculous' water in Tlacote MexicoWaiting for their chance for a miracle, a line of people often stretched for over a mile on a dusty road in the little town of Tlacote, Mexico. More than 10,000 a day sometimes came to visit Jesus Chahin's well and to take away a can or two of the famous miracle water which is said to have cured everything from AIDS and cancer to obesity and high cholesterol.
Chahin has been giving the water away since he accidentally discovered its healing properties by observing its swift healing effect on a farm dog who lapped up some of it.
Wayne Peterson of Washington DC reported that his father had been diagnosed with intestinal cancer, which had eaten holes through his intestines. His father took some of the water from the Tlacote well for several days. A visit to a new group of doctors only days later showed there was no evidence of cancer and all body functions appeared to be normal.

2. Healing water in GermanyAfter the miraculous healing well in Mexico, another healing water source has been found, in Germany, 100 km east of Dusseldorf. A spring of very pure water, it was discovered in a cave in a disused slate mine at Nordenau, district of Schmalenberg, a popular ski resort.
Guido Brandenburg interviewed some of the pilgrims for the German newspaper Bild. An old woman told him that after covering her blind eye with the water, she can now see; an ex-miner said his back was healed and he has thrown away his crutch. Another woman said: "I always had problems with high blood pressure and was afraid of collapsing. I went to the grotto with my pressure at 160 to 100. I came out with 130 to 100. Now the blood pressure is constant, a fact which my doctor cannot explain."
Brandenburg, the Bild reporter, described what happened when he drank the water while standing in the energy zone: "After five minutes my fingertips vibrated," he said. "I felt as if an electric current flowed through me."Adress: Hotel Tommes, 5948 Nordenau, Schmalenburg Germany. Tel.: +49-29 7596220

3. Well near Delhi In Nadana village, about 150 km north of Delhi, India, water began gushing out of a deserted tubewell in September of 1992. Some local villagers who bathed in the water reported that the "medicinal" and "magical" qualities of the well cured their skin diseases. Word quickly spread, and now a constant stream of people visits the village daily to gain the benefits of the water. A five-year-old polio victim was reportedly cured to a large extent after bathing there. Most people who go into the water report physical improvements of some type. The owner of the well, Mr Mamraj, one of the village leaders, was reportedly offered a large sum of money from people who wished to buy the well. He rejected the proposal, saying he wanted to use the well for the people, not for making money.

4. Healing water in ChinaZhou Lianghua and his wife Li Guirong, a Chinese couple of over 80 years old, discovered a "fountain of youth," wrote the S?ddeutsche Zeitung on 28 July 1994. According to their own statements they both feel 10 years younger since drinking water from the fountain in their courtyard. They reported that they were now fit and no longer out of breath after walking up a mountain. Husband Zhou said that previously he suffered from extreme hair loss, but since they used the 'fountain of youth,' he now has a thick head of black hair.

5. Healing water in AustraliaYankalilla is a little country town south of Adelaide in South Australia. It was there back in August 1994 that parishioner Susan Fehlburg first noticed what looked to her like an image of the Madonna and Child on the wall of the Anglican Christ Church.
In July 1996, the rector, Canadian-born Reverend Andrew Nutter, reported the phenomenon in a local church paper. Since then, news of the apparition has travelled around the world.
It was this extensive news coverage that brought a dowser to the site. The dowser alerted Fr Andrew to the presence of a stream of water running under the church. Benjamin Creme, on being asked, confirmed that the stream of water, like the apparition, was the work of the Master who was the Madonna and that the water would have healing power. One question remained: where to drill? A fax to London drew a recommendation from Benjamin Creme?s Master regarding the location. A bore was drilled at the recommended spot: two metres from the wall in line with the image. Water was found.


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