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Sunday, July 26, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Anti-Aging and Alkaline Diet

Mr. Sang Whang is a successful inventor, scientist, and engineer. He explains the health and antiaging processes in layman terms in his book, Reverse Aging. Below is an excerpt from that book.

In order to learn how to get younger, we must understand the process of antiaging and an alkaline diet.

Handling natural health improvement devices developed in Japan a few years, I have witnessed as well as personally experienced many mysterious phenomenon in the reverse aging effect.
Being a scientist, engineer, and inventor, I have tried to understand and explain the phenomenon scientifically, applying the scientific principles of those non-drug, natural health improvement devices. During the course of the study, I came to a realization of what the human aging process is about. The great news is that, with this new theory, the antiaging process can be explained, and ANYBODY CAN GET YOUNGER IF HE OR SHE SO DESIRES.

We get old because we are not disposing of all the internally generated wastes and toxins, and accumulate the leftovers within our body.

For our body to function and to maintain body temperature, we burn nutrients within our cells. The main ingredients of all foods, expensive or inexpensive, gourmet or junk, vegetable or meat, alkaline or acid, are either carbohydrates, proteins or fats. And they are nothing but the combinations of four elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.

After these nutrients are burnt (oxidized) in the cells, they all turn into organic acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids, fatty acids, ammonia, etc. Fats are acidic even before oxidation. The Chinese word for oxygen is written with two characters, "sahn-so". They literally mean "acid root".

These acidic wastes and toxins are disposed out of the body in liquid form, as urine or perspiration, after first being dissolved into the blood. Every element within our body was placed there by the blood and can come out of there by first being dissolved into the blood and then being carried out. If anyone loses ten pounds by any dietary means, it can be said that most of that ten pounds came out through the urine.

Unfortunately, due to our life styles and environments (i.e., too much ingestion, overwork, over indulgence, not enough rest, staying up late, not enough exercise, inadequate water consumption, smoking, pollution, low alkaline diet etc.) the body cannot get rid of all the acidic waste products that it generates within. We accumulate these left over waste products somewhere within our body. This is the process of getting old. To make matters worse, mixed with these organic acids are inorganic acid minerals such as chlorine, phosphor, and sulfur that come in with most of our acidic foods: meats, grains and root crops. We don't eat enough of alkaline diet (antiaging) foods such as fruits and vegetables that contain inorganic alkaline minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.

Although the amounts of inorganic minerals are small compared with the organic acid wastes that the body produces, they contribute more towards the acid side. However, one important thing to note is that even if one does not eat any acidic food at all, as long as carbohydrates and proteins are consumed, the body produces much more acidic wastes than the inorganic alkaline minerals can counteract.

We are born with high alkaline blood pH of 7.44. As we get older, the blood pH drops down to 7.35 or below. The blood pH referred to here is the artery blood pH. The difference of 0.09 in pH value seems very small but since pH is logarithmic, the amount of hydroxyl ion (OH-) in 7.44 pH is 1.23 times that of 7.35 pH, because 10=1.2303.
The hydroxyl ion is an oxygen donor while the hydrogen ion (H+) is an oxygen taker. In other words, young people carry 23% more of the oxygen donors in their blood than older people. No wonder they are more energetic.

Uric acid is nearly insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, but soluble in solutions of alkaline salts. In other words, it becomes soluble in alkaline water. Arthritis and gout are caused by uric acid deposited between the joints, non-dissolved due to the low alkalinity of an older person's blood. Drinking acid free alkaline water will gradually elevate one's blood pH and the gout will disappear naturally. (More about this acid free alkaline water later)

As we live with poor waste disposal systems for a long period of time, some parts of our body build up more acids than others, and they can clog up capillary vessels around those acidic areas. This causes some body organs to function in a sluggish manner. We feel tired and run down sometimes for no reason whatsoever, and adult diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, allergies, etc. start to set in WE SIMPLY ACCEPT THESE PHENOMENA AS "GETTING OLD."

In some extreme cases, the build up of acidic elements are so great that it starts to destroy healthy cells around them. Healthy cells must maintain a slightly alkaline pH level. Some cells change their formula in order to survive in an acidic environment. If they are successful, this is the beginning of cancer. Cancer cells are acidic while healthy cells are alkaline. Even if the cancerous tumors are completely removed surgically, as long as the acidic conditions in the area remain, the chances are that new tumors will develop around the same area.
Exactly where the left over waste products are accumulated may very according to every individual. However, the parts of the body where wastes accumulate first may determine what kind of adult disease that individual may develop first. Within one family, the storage places may be similar. This may explain the hereditary effects of certain adult diseases.

Because the accumulation of waste products inside the body is the aging process, helping the body to get rid of the OLD waste products is the antiaging process.
This reverse aging process takes two steps. The first step is to develop a good disposal system and the second step is to pull out the old wastes from their hiding places.

Development of A Good Disposal System
Since, as mentioned before, the waste disposal is done in liquid form by urine and perspiration, it is imperative that we drink plenty of water, When one is going through any diet program, doctors tell him to drink 8 glasses of water a day. They know the disposal is through urine, but they don't tell you what kind of water to drink.
Since all waste products are acidic, the best kind of water is acid free alkaline water. Drinking 4 glasses of this alkaline water is much more effective than 8 glasses of regular, bottled water or filtered tap water. There are devices called water ionizers that split alkaline minerals and acid minerals in regular tap water by electrical means.

A quality water ionizer takes in regular tap water which has both acid and alkaline minerals in it and has a typical pH value of 7. The system then releases water with a pH value of 9 or higher with all the alkaline minerals from the original tap water. At the same time it releases acidic water with a pH value of 5 or lower with all the acid minerals in the original tap water.
Since this alkaline water has twice as many alkaline minerals as the original water but NO acid minerals, it is more than twice as potent as the original water. Inside our body, it will neutralize only acidic elements and discharge them safely out of the body. Drinking 8 glasses of regular water can leach out acidic wastes as well as some valuable alkaline minerals such as potassium. That's why doctors test your blood when you are going through a serious diet program. With this alkaline water there is no worry about losing potassium from your system.

You also might like to read Aging and Degenerative Diseases or Aging and Reverse Aging

PostHeaderIcon What is Ionization?...and why is it so important?

Every breath we take, every move we goes the song.

Yet every move we make does depend on every breath we take and every drink (or meal) we take, because our movement is fueled by energy that we store in the body. We receive our energy from the triune sources of air, food and water.

Energy doesn't just 'drop' out of the air, food or water that we ingest. In its usual form it is not chemically available. It can't always be called upon to support every move we make because it is not always ready for chemical reaction.

For any chemical reaction to occur there needs to be two molecules involved, and each of these molecules must have something to 'trade', in the form of compatible atoms that are either positively or negatively charged. Positively charged molecules (and the atoms within them) will easily and naturally unite with negatively charged molecules of equivalent and compatible charge.

Put simply, all of your body functions rely on the energy released from the unity of the 'charge' of the molecules in it and the opposite 'charge' in food water or air that enters it.

So what is an ion?

An ion is any atom that has a positive or a negative charge. A positively charged ion will seek a negatively charged one to unite with, have a glorious 'coupling' and then turn into something totally new and available.
So why do we rave on so much about negative ions? Because the result of every move you move (a net spending of energy) is a positively charged body. The molecules in your body are left holding a positive charge. They are unavailable for future 'couplings' unless we get a new batch of attractive and giving negative ions in quickly.

As we hear so often these days, things aren't what they used to be. The air is different. Putting it very frankly and unscientifically, it's full of crud. Positively charged crud. Nothing ever 'goes away' on our little green planet and every exhaust, every chimney plume, every cowfart, stays within our thin and fragile ionosphere. It stays in the air we gulp as we run along the beach, it stays in the water we drink, and it stays in the food we eat. And all of it this pollution is useless for energy production within the body.

The air we breath in our garden, only 500 meters from the beach, contains only around 150 negative ions/cc/sec. but it also contains around 700 positive ions. This means that even as we lay on the beach doing absolutely nothing, our bodies are getting short-shifted by 2000 (required) plus 700 positive less 150 negative ions = 2550 ions/cc/second.

Because the environment can no longer supply our basics, our bodies have to negatively ionize the air, water and food that enters our bodies just to get bare minimum ionization needs, and lying there in the sun, they are working non-stop just to supply enough available energy for us to get up off the sand and walk to the car!
Did we always have to do this?

No. We have managed to take our beautiful planet from garden paradise to techno trash in less than a century, and we have done one helluva 'good' job. Where once clear air and spring or glacial water gave us all the negative ions we needed, today the same basics actually rob our bodies of energy.
Like the idea of drinking pure rainwater?

Don't. It robs you of electrons. It is also acidic, having combined with CO2 and pollutants as it falls from the clouds, and so it only contributes to the acidic state of your body.

Want to go to the beach and reinvigorate on pure ocean air?

That air just blew all the way from a Brazilian chemical factory and now it's your turn to breath it in.
So we are suffocating in our air, drying up in our water, and toxifying as we eat our clean supermarket food.
In a radical state, radical action is required - and we are indeed in a radical state of personal bodily survival. We have lost the negative ions, the life energy we need to even breathe freely.

It's not hard to understand how we age the way we do. Suddenly we are old and we wonder how it happened. Yet it's been happening for years because every day our wonderful, amazing bodies have been slugging it out and losing the battle to keep aging at bay. Instead of performing daily housekeeping functions, it is flat out ionizing water food and air to make it energetically available for energy storage.

The Chinese adepts well knew the power of this ionization process. They call the energy in the body chi, and they say it comes from the air, from water and from food. In his book The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity, author and longevity expert Daniel Reid says, "Since there exists no equivalent term in English for 'Chi' or 'Prana', we shall refer to it as 'bionic' or 'bioelectric' energy. This combines the idea of living energy uniquely associated with living organisms (bio-) with that of electricity (-electric) and negatively charged ions (-ionic).."

In 1838, deHufeland wrote in The Art of Prolonging the Life of Man, " A careful study of the phenomena of the vital force in the organized world leads us to recognize in it the following properties ands laws: the vital force is the most subtle, most penetrating, most invisible agent we have known until now in nature; in this respect it surpasses even light, electricity and magnetism, with which in other respects it seems to have the greatest analogy...We find a striking analogy between the vital force and magnetism. The life force can exist in a free and latent state, and in this respect has a close analogy to heat and electricity."

More recently, French Scientist Dr J. Belot said, "When we consider organic life in the light of biophysics, we find that electrical phenomena are at the root of all cellular life and we conclude that the end of everything is an electrical charge."

In March 1968, 36 years ago, Le Monde reported that the presence of negative ions or ionization facilitates oxygen absorption, aids elimination of CO2 in the alveoli of the lungs, yet positive ions have precisely the opposite effect. Gases, dust, chemical fumes, all enter the body as positive ions, trapping the tiny negative ions in their large absorbent form, rendering your air technically 'dead'. When we read the work of Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel Scientist, we begin to understand the absolute importance not only of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, but the utter importance for our longevity of their entry into the body in negatively charged form. We also begin to see the extent of the effect of common-use substances. A plastic seat (I am sitting on one now!) will accelerate mental fatigue, as will plastic wall coverings. Objects covered in polyethylene produce fields of between 5 and 10,000 volts/meter. In a space enclosed by polyethylene the rate can skyrocket to 100,000 volts/meter. Certain synthetic clothes are strong enough to set up a field that repels all negative ions in your immediate vicinity! Go stand on a mountain; it won't help much if you're wearing your favorite synthetic ski jacket!

Without adequate negative ions, we are literally working ourselves to death and we don't even realize it. Yet the technology now exists to replace the body's load, to support the immune system, and to promote not just a long life, but a strong, vital life.

With ionization (ionized water), you are now able to derive huge quantities of negatively charged ions as Hydroxyl ions in a microclustered form that will flow between cell walls and react with acid wastes that are causing energy loss, lethargy and a predisposition to almost every major illness; all in water direct from your tap.

With the ionization of air you will receive ionized nitrogen and oxygen that gives itself away immediately to facilitate energy conversion and storage. The ionized nitrogen acts on your cellular communication system and dilates the blood vessels to maintain not only a strong nutrient transport system, but an efficient messaging service, allowing your body to reinstate real communication. You begin to know your own body again.

The cost, when we look realistically at a future that statistically means ill health, cancer, heart disease and bodily degeneration, is incredibly small. Like the tiny negatively charged atom, this technology is easy to dismiss, but deceptively powerful.
Monday, July 20, 2009
What if you found out—and you’re about to—that there could be industrial pollutants, pesticides, and hormones floating in your tap water right now?

It’s always disconcerting when the local news tells you to boil your tap water before drinking it, especially if you consider that we’ve been experimenting with water filtration since 1627. But what if you found out—and you’re about to—that there could be industrial pollutants, pesticides, and hormones floating in your tap water right now? There are federal laws that limit certain contaminants, but many toxins don’t make those blacklists at all. While your water probably isn’t making you sick, here is a guide to some potential offenders and how to keep them out of your cup.

These are chemicals, such as chlorine and its derivatives, that are used to disinfect water before it gets to you. There’s a lot of controversy over this, but critics say chlorine has strong links to cancer and sometimes anemia. Others say it’s fine. As it stands, chlorine is the most popular disinfectant and has been used in water for over 60 years.

When it goes wrong This one’s tricky. Chlorine in our water has been pegged as one of the most important achievements of modern civilization. There are also a lot of people who think it makes us sick, causing stomachaches and eye and nose irritation.
What you can do about it a simple countertop water filter—like a Brita—will do not do the trick. Yes, I have tested the water before and after and there are no significant changes other than your wallet is thinner, you do need to change to a Kangen Water ™generator from Enagic.

Disinfectant Byproducts
These byproducts come about when additives used to control bacteria come into contact with naturally occurring matter in water and create other compounds.They are problematic in drinking water and even more so in public pools and spas. When it goes wrong these compounds aren’t meant to make their way into your mouth. They do, though, and can be responsible for anemia, birth defects, and, in some cases, bladder cancer. Choose a salt water pool do your homework to find where the nearest community pool is, and discuss with the homeowners association about the ill effects of chlorine.

These are the grossest contaminants, which most often come from fecal matter from animals and, yes, people. Other microorganisms include viruses and parasites from animal waste. When these buggers get into our water they can be responsible for stomachaches, a rare form of pneumonia, and, extremely rarely, death.
When it goes wrong This happens all the time, and is the reason for those health scares you read about in the paper. The most dangerous cases involve E. coli (which has also been detected in certain bottled waters) and can lead to death.

What you can do about it Boiling your water before you drink it will kill off all the bad guys.
Inorganic Chemicals

These come from petroleum refineries, asbestos-cement decay, steel mills, and drug factories—to name just a few. The possible human effects of consuming such sludge include hair loss, liver problems, thyroid problems, intestinal lesions, rashes, and, of course, cancer.

When it goes wrong Erin Brockovich and the Case of the Chromium-filled Water is probably the most famous instance of water contamination. More recently, a major probe last year revealed that 41 million Americans’ water had pharmaceuticals in it. The probe was conducted by a media outlet, not a public-safety organization.

What you can do about it Write a letter to your state Environmental Protection Agency, and ask it to set limits for drugs and other contaminants in water. You should also get a home purifier. (And if you’re concerned about fluoride, you’ll need the Cadillac of water filtration—a reverse osmosis purifier—which can cost thousands of dollars.)

Organic Chemicals
The “organic” part sounds innocuous, but these are often toxic chemicals, coming from pesticides, herbicides, and runoff from industrial-chemical factories. They have ties to liver, kidney and adrenal problems, fertility issues, and cancer.

When it goes wrong Organic chemicals were the culprits at the legendary Love Canal, which sat atop 21,000 tons of toxic waste that contaminated the water and made an entire community sick in the late 1970s.
What you can do about it Regulation has certainly gotten much better in the last few decades, and many organic chemicals, such as pesticides, are taken care of with a simple Brita pitcher. To encourage the EPA to test for more of these chemicals, though, write it a letter.

A fancy word for radioactive contaminants, some are naturally occurring, others are not, and all are potentially dangerous. Associated risks in real life include cancer and kidney toxicity. The good news is they don’t tend to leach into water in large enough amounts to hurt us all that often.

When it goes wrong There has been a spate of recent incidents, including one at a trailer park in Colorado that had too few taps to warrant the price associated with an up-to-date filtration system.

What you can do about it Not much. This is a bigger problem in rural and sparsely populated areas, where residents are at the mercy of local authorities, who are often at the mercy of state authorities, who can’t always afford to pony up to fix such an expensive problem.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Miracle Healing Water

Healing wells
Since his appearance in Nairobi, Maitreya has re-enacted this event by suddenly showing up in the midst of large audiences, usually groups of fundamentalists. In advance, Maitreya often energizes water sources in the vicinity of the spots in which he is about to appear. So far, healing waters have been discovered in Mexico, Germany, China and India.
'Magical' water in Mexico
Healing water in Germany
Well near Delhi
Healing water in China
Healing water in Australia
Remedies availability

1. 'Miraculous' water in Tlacote MexicoWaiting for their chance for a miracle, a line of people often stretched for over a mile on a dusty road in the little town of Tlacote, Mexico. More than 10,000 a day sometimes came to visit Jesus Chahin's well and to take away a can or two of the famous miracle water which is said to have cured everything from AIDS and cancer to obesity and high cholesterol.
Chahin has been giving the water away since he accidentally discovered its healing properties by observing its swift healing effect on a farm dog who lapped up some of it.
Wayne Peterson of Washington DC reported that his father had been diagnosed with intestinal cancer, which had eaten holes through his intestines. His father took some of the water from the Tlacote well for several days. A visit to a new group of doctors only days later showed there was no evidence of cancer and all body functions appeared to be normal.

2. Healing water in GermanyAfter the miraculous healing well in Mexico, another healing water source has been found, in Germany, 100 km east of Dusseldorf. A spring of very pure water, it was discovered in a cave in a disused slate mine at Nordenau, district of Schmalenberg, a popular ski resort.
Guido Brandenburg interviewed some of the pilgrims for the German newspaper Bild. An old woman told him that after covering her blind eye with the water, she can now see; an ex-miner said his back was healed and he has thrown away his crutch. Another woman said: "I always had problems with high blood pressure and was afraid of collapsing. I went to the grotto with my pressure at 160 to 100. I came out with 130 to 100. Now the blood pressure is constant, a fact which my doctor cannot explain."
Brandenburg, the Bild reporter, described what happened when he drank the water while standing in the energy zone: "After five minutes my fingertips vibrated," he said. "I felt as if an electric current flowed through me."Adress: Hotel Tommes, 5948 Nordenau, Schmalenburg Germany. Tel.: +49-29 7596220

3. Well near Delhi In Nadana village, about 150 km north of Delhi, India, water began gushing out of a deserted tubewell in September of 1992. Some local villagers who bathed in the water reported that the "medicinal" and "magical" qualities of the well cured their skin diseases. Word quickly spread, and now a constant stream of people visits the village daily to gain the benefits of the water. A five-year-old polio victim was reportedly cured to a large extent after bathing there. Most people who go into the water report physical improvements of some type. The owner of the well, Mr Mamraj, one of the village leaders, was reportedly offered a large sum of money from people who wished to buy the well. He rejected the proposal, saying he wanted to use the well for the people, not for making money.

4. Healing water in ChinaZhou Lianghua and his wife Li Guirong, a Chinese couple of over 80 years old, discovered a "fountain of youth," wrote the S?ddeutsche Zeitung on 28 July 1994. According to their own statements they both feel 10 years younger since drinking water from the fountain in their courtyard. They reported that they were now fit and no longer out of breath after walking up a mountain. Husband Zhou said that previously he suffered from extreme hair loss, but since they used the 'fountain of youth,' he now has a thick head of black hair.

5. Healing water in AustraliaYankalilla is a little country town south of Adelaide in South Australia. It was there back in August 1994 that parishioner Susan Fehlburg first noticed what looked to her like an image of the Madonna and Child on the wall of the Anglican Christ Church.
In July 1996, the rector, Canadian-born Reverend Andrew Nutter, reported the phenomenon in a local church paper. Since then, news of the apparition has travelled around the world.
It was this extensive news coverage that brought a dowser to the site. The dowser alerted Fr Andrew to the presence of a stream of water running under the church. Benjamin Creme, on being asked, confirmed that the stream of water, like the apparition, was the work of the Master who was the Madonna and that the water would have healing power. One question remained: where to drill? A fax to London drew a recommendation from Benjamin Creme?s Master regarding the location. A bore was drilled at the recommended spot: two metres from the wall in line with the image. Water was found.

PostHeaderIcon What are the Benefits of Ionized water "Kangen Water™"

Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water: Kangen Water™  

The testimonials are beyond fantastic: significant weight loss, allergy relief, arthritis relief, improved bowel regularity, increased energy, advanced hydration of cells and skin, improved digestion, reduced cholesterol, and overall better health. Ionized alkaline water is full of anti-oxidants. This water provides better oxygenation directly to the blood stream and allows optimum cleansing and detoxification.

Detoxification: Flushes acidic waste products from the body. Gently cleanses at a deep cellular level.Hydration: Three to five times as effective as regular water with bioavailable electrolites.Absorption: Allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently.Anti-oxidant: Electron charged water helps control free radical activity.Improved Taste and Purity: Your body will crave more water.

You and your family will enjoy drinking more water.Increased Energy: Feel the difference usually within a few days.Improved Digestion: As you digest and assimilate your food better, health improves, energy levels increase, weight sheds away and life becomes more enjoyable.

Ongoing health does not occur by chance. It's something you have to build upon and work at maintaining. Most people are poorly educated in the process of maintaining health and promoting natural weight loss. We are socialized and brainwashed through a lifetime of expensive media and misinformation. Most of us respond to our desires for instant satisfaction and taste sensations, often oblivious to the physical outcome.

Indulgence in sweets, fatty foods, alcohol, sodas, cigarettes and a host of other highly refined, highly acid producing substances will tear down your natural defences and deplete your nutritional and base reserves. In order to help your body to maintain an optimum balance of health and energy it needs to be fed the right ingredients.

With alkaline water, rich in OH- Hydroxyl molecules (including beneficial negative ions), and active oxygen, finally there is something that you can do to make a significantly positive difference in your health. It's easy, painless, it tastes good and your body can not live without it. In fact your body is dying to be properly rehydrated with this water.

What is Kangen Water™?

Kangen water™ is simply medically grade alkaline water that is produced from one of Enagic's line of ionizers.  In a broad sense, Kangen water™ has three amazing properties.
  These properties are:

#1.   Anti-Oxidation

iron nails

All living and non-living matter battle with oxidation.  As an example, aging, decay and rusty nails are an example of oxidation at work.
To get an idea of what oxidation and anti-oxidation looks like, take a look at the image above. This is an image of two glass containers, one filled to the brim with Kangen Water™ and the other of neutral Tap water. Also, included are a few iron construction nails in each container.
You will notice that the glass container to the right is clouded with rust from the nails. This is oxidation at work and the results would be the same regardless of what type of water (bottled or otherwise) was in the container.
The image to the left is filled with 9.5 pH Kangen water™ Both containers were filled back in June of 2008 and the nails in The Kangen water are still preserved even to this day. As a result of the oxidating properties of water, the nails in the tap water will continue to deteriate.  If Kangen Water™ water can preserve nails, imagine what it can do for your body.

same ageWhile we are on the topic of aging, check out the image to the right. This is a picture of the CEO of Enagic™ Mr. Hironari Oshiro along with his American Business Advisor. Although, the two men look years apart, typically the mid 40's for Mr. Oshiro and late 60's for his American Business Advisor, they are in fact the same age. They will both be 67 years old in 2008.

We believe that the reason Mr. Oshiro looks so well is because he has been drinking Kangen water™ for the better part of 17 years.  In light of the fact that this water is an anti-oxident, it can be viewed that this water might possibly be the fountain of youth.
orp mtr
Oxidation can be measured and in the case of liquids, an ORP is used.  ORP stands for Oxidation Reduction Potential.  A positive +ORP value is bad for you and helps accelerate entropy and the aging process while a -ORP value is very good for you and can actually slow down the aging process.  Please remember that (-) Negative in these cases are good for you.

Kangen Water: 10x's the Detoxifying Power of Orange Juice.

Below is a visual chart of ORP (Notice the following bottled waters and beverages with a positive + ORP value). Even the bottled water which we have been lead to believe is good for us is actually not for a number of reasons.

orp pic

Kangen water™ is typically between -400 to -600. I have seen it personally ashigh as -800 ORP. The higher the -ORP, the better it is in combating oxidation and free radicals which is believed to affect our health and well being.
Bottled water has been measured as high as +600 ORP in our personal demonstrations. Notice Kangen Water™ is on the opposite side of the chart even surpassing green tea and orange juice.
if you haven't all ready done so, stop drinking sodas. Not only are they extremely oxidizing but also highly acidic which is a big contributing factor in sickness and weight gain.

#2.  Micro-Clustering

Micro clustering is another great quality of Kangen Water™. When water is run over the solid platinum coated titanium plates, the water is broken down in size from a cluster of 15-20 molecules to around 5-6 molecules resulting in the body being hydrated up to 6 times as much as regular water. Because of its smaller clustered size, this water will penetrate and hydrate areas of the body like never before. Imagine a water that fully hydrates, oxygenates and detoxifies your body all at once.

Keep in mind also that ionized alkaline water loses a H+ molecule on average resulting in an even smaller more penetrating cluster of water. (View the picture below).

#3.  Alkalinization

The third major characteristic of this water is Alkalinization. When we were born, our bodies were alkaline by design; however, when we aged our bodies became more acidic for a number of reasons. Our bodies' pH level should be 7.35 for optimal health, which is slightly alkaline.


Acidity is the grim reaper when it comes to our demise and the lack of  good choices plays a significant role in this process.  Thus, the accumulation of acids and toxins in the blood and cells are the major cause of disease in our society.  Leading researchers have found that there is no leading cause of death instead they point to an over accumulation of an acidic environment within our bodies.

Acidity . . . The Father of Disease!

Alkalinization helps fight our bodies overabundance of acidic waste and flushes it out of our systems thus leading to a more healthy immune system whereby keeping us healthy and hydrated.

On a side note, most bottled water has been tested and been found to be slightly acidic to highly acidic.  I have personally tested well known bottled water that has shown to be 5.0 pH.  Remember that this is 100 times as acidic as neutral ph 7.0. Kangen water™ has pH levels of 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5.  pH 9.5 is 500 times as alkaline as neutral 7.0.

So, as you can see, Kangen water™ has three amazing characteristics that can help you restore and maintain optimal pH balance.

PostHeaderIcon Why Alkaline Water What's The Difference?

Acidic foods, acidic water, acidic beverages and an acid producing lifestyle contributes to a wide range of illnesses. Excess acid in the body and blood stream leads to a build-up of mineral deposits in the joints and arteries, resulting in a restricted range of motion and eventually arthritis, other degenerative diseases and inflammation. The human organism operates at peak efficiency when the pH of the blood is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.365 (on a scale of 1-14, with 1 being pure acid, 7 being neutral and 14 pure alkaline). At this concentration your cells will thrive. By following a diet of primarily alkaline foods, by drinking alkaline water and by modifying your lifestyle to avoid acid producing activities (smoking, drinking alcohol and negative emotions are all acid producing), you can begin to detoxify your body, removing the excess proteins and acid wastes, which create inflammation and degenerative changes. A primarily alkaline environment within the body also helps with weight loss and is a good remedy for countless ailments.

Click Here for information about getting a sample of Kangen Water

When foods oxidize in your body, they leave a residue or ash that is composed of various minerals. If the minerals are primarily sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, these foods are considered alkaline. The same goes for the disolved minerals in water. Water can be either acidic or alkaline. If the residue from food or water is primarily sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and incombustible organic acid radicals, then an acidic condition results. Enagic water ionizers work to sepparate the water into approximately 70% alkaline water and 30% acid water. Use the alkaline water internally and use the acid water externally.

Energy is the byproduct of the foods we eat. The body oxidizes or burns up foods to release nutrients. The wastes are predominately acidic. When your body cannot get rid of all the acidic wastes it produces, they become stored somewhere in your body. This accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes builds up in your tissues, joints, fat, urine and blood. Acidic wastes accelerate the aging process of the human body. Some examples of solidified acidic wastes are cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, kidney stones, gallstones, urates, sulfates, and phosphates. Ionized alkaline water helps to rid the body of acidic wastes.