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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Why "Low-Glycemic" is the Way to Go

Why "Low-Glycemic" is the Way to Go

by Ori Hofmekler

Question: Ori, How do you recommend low glycemic carbs and then talk
about the short window of opportunity. Won't the rate of digestion of a SLOW
carb be too long? Research points to a 2 hour window (it is only 4 hours if you
are eating plenty of carbs during the 4 hours). 

Also, research recommends a 8-1.2g of carbs per Kilo of body weight per 1-2 hours (frequency depends on the amount of glycogen used). IF someone weighs 100 kilo, wouldn't it be hard to eat 80-120 g of complex carbs in one sitting? Finally, have you considered the revised Glycemic Load ratings, the effect of exercise on GLUT4, the very anti-catabolic effects of insulin, the 200% improved insulin sensitivity after workouts, the very different effects of whole proteins versus peptide bonded di and tri peptides proteins.

Answer: With all due respect to your stats, they're meaningless in
real life. The information you get from muscle magazines is typically inadequate.

If you get it from Pub Med - notice that many of the studies are sponsored by
commercial sport nutrition companies to make you purchase a cheap protein
powder (80% sugar or simple starch mixed with degraded soy or whey isolate + artificial flavoring, etc.). 

The truth is that there is no conclusive evidence as to how much carbs are needed per muscle mass after exercise. 

There is however evidence that insulin (not carbs) is the influencing factor in whether an anabolic action will occur or not. It is also a well known fact that when insulin is over-spiked - such as with over 10g of sugar intake per serving, it will instantly lead to a certain degree of insulin resistance.

I'm aware and I've written articles on the benefits of exercise on improving insulin sensitivity. Nevertheless, there is evidence that even one meal with excessive carbs can jeopardize the insulin stabilizing benefits you get from exercise. Consuming too many carbs after exercise is a recipe for insulin resistance and fat gain, particularly in the belly.

This is exactly what happened to a famous muscle magazine editor who
admitted to me over the phone that after using a commercial recovery meal
product (loaded with simple carbs) after exercise, he noticed an accumulation
of stubborn fat in the belly which he could not remove. I suggested that he
drop this product and instead incorporate a low glycemic recovery. As a result,
he noticed an immediate leaning down effect in the belly area. That's why we've created our protein products in this way - all natural and low glycemic - so that people can use them before and after exercise - and always benefit with no side effects. As for the sources of my science, they are all documented in the back of my books. None of my references are from muscle or fitness magazines.

Metabolic processes involve a huge complex of events on the cellular level
and the systemic level, integrated with each other and regulated by different
control mechanisms which are also influenced by environmental factors,
including nutrition and exercise. 

Unfortunately, much of this information, acquired from muscle and fitness magazines, is written by people who have no background in biology and a very limited knowledge of nutrition. For these magazines the industry comes first, i.e. advertisements come first and the truth . . . who cares? We provide you with real factual information via our weight loss memberships. I expect that the dedicated individual will be curious enough to read the original information and the science references before questioning the technicalities.

Do you want to learn more about Ori Hofmekler’s Tenacious Fat Solution kit to help get rid of your stubborn belly fat?

The Tenacious Fat Solution Kit will help you remove hidden
obstacles to weight loss.

Our products have no sugar added (which is groundbreaking),
they are made with all natural products, they are low carb, and they taste
amazingly delicious!

Claim back your body!

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