Eat Like A Pro at Eat To Grow
Saturday, October 10, 2009

PostHeaderIcon Why Cant I Lose Weight, I Dont Overeat , What's the Problem?

Dear Ryan

Q. I have been working out for several weeks and I have not lost any weight, help. I am only having a small salad for lunch and a very small dinner, and I can't figure out why I am not dropping these pounds.

A. Salad for lunch? Small dinner? Sounds like your having less than 1,000 calories per day if that, and that is just not enough to put your body in a state of positive nitrogen balance and surplus of energy for exercise and weight training. Losing weight is not what you ultimately want, it's fat you want to burn and muscle you want to build. Read 8 Simple Nutrition Rules click here

Organ or tissue
Daily metabolic rate
Adipose (fat)
2 calories per pound
6 calories per pound
91 calories per pound
109 calories per pound
200 calories per pound
200 calories per pound

In other words, losing two pounds of fat and replacing it with two pounds of muscle will increase your resting metabolic rate by less than 10 calories per day.

Calories In Vs. Calories Burned Equals Energy Balance

Your body is the best computer system in the world. It’s able to calculate every calorie you eat and burn off. You can’t sneak a snack without it knowing it. You can’t miss a workout without consequences. If you remember that your body is either burning or storing the food calories you eat, you can take control of your weight loss…or gain.
So, what’s a calorie? It’s energy. It’s the fuel your body needs to run like a virus-free, computing machine.
For every calorie you eat, you must have a plan on how to work it off. If you eat too many calories the excess will end up as fat on your thighs, butt and other unwanted places. If you eat as many as you burn off, you’ll be maintaining your current weight. Now, if you burn more calories than you take in daily through regular exercise consisting of resistance training as well as cardiovascular training and a healthy, balanced and nutritional eating plan, you’ll be on the path toward burning fat and building muscle, instead of just losing weight, which can result in the loss of lean muscle resulting in less strength and energy but fewer numbers on the scale which is only one of several factors in overall health.
Weight management depends upon the energy-balance equation; the amount of energy you put into your body (food calories) versus the amount of energy you expend through regular, physical activity.
So, how do you know how many calories your body needs to reach or maintain a certain weight? Use This “How Many Calories Do You Need?” tool:
The Old-Fashioned Method
Or, you can also roughly estimate your daily calorie requirements using these simple formulas, which are based on your daily activity levels:
For sedentary people: Weight x 14 = estimated cal/daily
For moderately active people: Weight x 17 = estimated cal/daily
For active people: Weight x 20 = estimated cal/daily
Moderately active is defined as three to four aerobic sessions per week. Active is defined as five to seven aerobic sessions per week. Sedentary means that you probably spend most of your time sitting instead of moving.
So, now that you know all about energy balance, how are you going to start burning today’s calories? Go ahead, get moving!

-Ryan Parker


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